The Road is Long – We Call Shotgun!

The road to building a timeless, recognizable brand is long and arduous.  It’s a lot of hard work, experimenting, winding roads and dead ends. You have to be consistent with your brand image across every paper, screen and surface your potential clients come in contact with.  Design is an investment in infrastructure that ensure that happens. The less time you have to spend on making design decisions, the more time you have perfecting your products and services. 



Brand Identity

The face of your business – your logo, your colors, your font choices – is hands down the most important decision you will make as a new business owner. In a brand driven world, the iconography that represents your business should be an investment in first impressions. 


When your logo is polished and your colors are chosen, there’s just one thing left to do: everything else. Having a solid identity system lets you send relax – all of your font choices, colors, outlines and shapes are organized in a compact PDF that you can send to everyone from printers to web designers. 


How does brand translate to the fast paced digital space?  No question about it, your website needs to be mobile-friendly. Google has spoken. And as the rules change it’s our job to ensure that we learn about those rules and make sure your website meets the standards as trends and rules change. 

Print & Packaging

Business cards, brochures, order forms, hang tags, posters, postcards…. The list goes on. If it’s got your business name on it, we make sure it has your swag in it. 


The second most important decision becomes whether or not you should hire a professional photographer. Photography not only affects potential customers impression of you as a quality business but also highlights your products and services in the best way possible. Professional photography is the difference between a good website and a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious website.


Every business has a dream of the future – where you’ll be in 5-10 years, a picturesque place where all of your dreams have come true. What doesn’t come to mind the steps to make those happen. We’re good at this part. We help small to medium sized business formulate solid plans and assigning tasks to the right people to make those dreams come true in a timely manner. 

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